Showing posts with label safety gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety gear. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Flares, remove unused fittings and bimini deck lugs - Teria

Bought some new hand-held distress flares. RFD "crewsaver" brand. The old ones were nearly out of date so the boats legal again. The water resistant plastic box contains 4 flares - 2 daytime smoke flares  and 2  night flares. They fit nicely into the shelf.

Day smoke (left) night flare (right)

Flare box - Just the right width

In Australia hand held stick flares like these are the only ones for the general public. (We can't buy flare guns) Hand held stick parachute flares are also used on offshore boats, but one of these costs about the same as a coastal/inshore 4 pack.

Removed some unused deck and cabin fittings. An old radio antennae base o the quarter deck, quite a few lone or ex-fitting screws. A few pad eyes. On the cabin top-  a swivel pulley, and a deck fair-lead. It reduces clutter, a simpler deck and cabin make for fewer things to go wrong.

Some old fasteners to remove.

Aerial mount removed

Bimini deck pad-eyes - these were fitted to the top of the cockpit coamings. Checked old photos of the bimini raised to get an estimated position, hope its correct. This should improve walking access from cockpit to side deck.

Bimini pad eye on coaming

Then there's small jobs like fasten a loose bunk fiddle, by adding a couple of washers to let the screw hold onto the wood.

It's amazing how many small jobs there are on even a small yacht. I made a list in my design book it filled a page, mostly things that will improve operation, comfort of safety.

A few more things to make