Friday, January 2, 2015

Summer sail - Kayak lost (trip10, day1)

Maintenance prior - replaced a leaking and falling off outboard fuel hose connector, the fitting plus clamp coast about $12 at Motor marine, Townsville.  Top service and a great shop for the outboard powered.

Sat 27th afternoon was preparation time..checked boat/trailer systems, recharged battery,,got the fuel, water and food supplies aboard. along with sailing clothes and personal items. The latest addition being a waterproof mobile phone pouch which also floats and has an adjustable neck string, so it can be worn at all times on the boat or going ashore etc.

Sun 28th Dec..the Sydney Hobart yacht race was on down south, Wild Oats and Comanche were already in Hobart and much of the fleet were still at sea. Enough sailing motivation was at hand to launch Teria in the middle of the festive season.

Weather at this time of year is hot and humid, the wet season rains were late so it was sunny too. Holidays so a horde of mostly powerboats out fishing and going to the barrier reef. The VHF radio to coast guard channel 22 was running hot with trip sheet logging in and out.. 

Did the usual Ross river launch and rigup, again it was uncrowded with plenty of parks. Then sailed to the down town pontoon to pickup the family about 2 pm for an afternoon sail in 15 knot NE breeze. The relatively new bimini shade was much appreciated and it was a battle for the shaded spots in the cockpit, out terrier Rex always found the best spot with a windward rail cooling breeze too. We sailed out to leeward of a sabot (8') racing fleet with dozens young sailors contesting the National title.

Conditions were right to close reach over to West point, Magnetic Island with some help from the outboard in the lee of the Island.

As soon as the anchor was down, "Scamp" the kayak was carrying our shore party to the beach. Stinger suits on, it was a good time for a swim in the warm sea at the calm beach front. Rex got swimming lessons, he's hardly ever swum before, we took him into a river once and he proved he was capable but definitely prefered hard land.  didn't want to go in, so a little prompting required, like dropping him in about 2-3m from shore, of course he could swim well! After awhile he tested the shallows then swam out to us, Hooray Rex, well done.

Rex's first sea swim, and the kayak that was lost on the way back

It was a nice sail back, jets flew out overhead and the stars came out. Suddenly i realized scamp the trusty kayak was gone!! We usually tow it behind on a rope. It had been gone for 5-30 minutes and its amazing how you don't register a towed tenders absence. A half moon provided little light to see it even if we backtracked. Scamp was lost, with that sinking feeling we would never see her again.

Back at port, the family went home and i anchored aboard Teria overnight behind the western break-wall.

Checked through camera photos and phoned my wife to check her mobile videos and photos. Like detectives, we established the time and place scamp disappeared. I added the wind direction and speed at the time and soon had a search and rescue plan for first light. It was likely to have blown ashore somewhere near Cape Palleranda about 5 miles from the overnight anchorage.

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